Align By Your Sign












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“One of the most unique albums of its style for a decade at least…it gifts the holder and listener a musical experience of tone and vibration that they are unlikely to forget.
This mammoth body of work has certainly put the genre of New Age music firmly back on the map, and this is going to be an album that should take the charts by storm.”
– One World Music Radio

ReTune your cells for healing
You are over 30 trillion cells vibrating, constantly moving towards homeostasis.
When a cell goes out of tune, disease becomes possible.
Re-tuning the body is much like tuning an orchestra – it starts at the level of vibration.
Science now shows specific extremely low frequencies (ELFs) stimulate the body’s longest cranial nerve – the vagus nerve – calming anxiety by lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing thereby improving overall mental health.
Other ELFs directly activate and enliven red blood cells, promoting circulatory health and healing. Certain low frequencies (40 hertz) can relieve chronic pain. Binaural beats enable our brainwaves to achieve specific states, including alpha (calming) and theta (deep meditative) wave patterns. Spiritually oriented chants reinvigorate red blood cells, boost increased mental alertness while simultaneously relaxing the body, and even possibly protect the brain from harmful cellular EMFs. Vibrational medicine is the frontier of integrative healing.
ALIGNED tracks are specifically crafted to hold these healing frequencies, and more.
Add to the physical healing potential by connecting to the “song of the stars” with this healing frequency music.
Esoteric science attributes certain psychological and physical effects to the planets. The gravitational pull of heavenly bodies affect us on unconscious levels, attributable to characters of myth and legend: Venus connects us to love and beauty, while Mars builds motivation and action, and Mercury directs our communication and cooperation. Astrology and psychology explain these subtle phenomena. Activate the tones and frequencies of each planet to awaken your desired archetypal behavioral patterns.

Charleene Closshey

Planetary Healing Frequency Music

449.8 Hertz

448.5 Hertz

442.5 Hertz

433.7 Hertz

436.6 Hertz

443.0 Hertz

439.4 Hertz

448.0 Hertz

445.3 Hertz

430.9 Hertz

Deep Space
449.8 Hertz
MAR 21 – APR 19
Aries, you’re a natural born leader with a fire in your belly. Connect with Mars, the red planet of passion, energy, and determination. Fan your flames while balancing your driving impulses.
Want more alignment? Listen to Sun (your individual expression), Venus (artistic expression & affluence), and Saturn (structure & wisdom).
APR 20 – MAY 20
Taurus, you love beauty and value luxurious experiences. Connect with Venus, the planet of love & money, and revel in your earthy groundedness. Manifesting pleasurable pastimes and expanding affluence is easier when aligned.
Want more alignment? Listen to Mars (fiery passion), Sun (your individual expression), and Jupiter (expansion & luck).
MAY 21 – JUN 20
Gemini, you’re a quick thinker, valuing intelligence and swift change. Connect with Mercury, the planet of communication who rules with winged feet and a witty tongue. Assertive engagement with the outer world runs more effectively when aligned.
Want more alignment? Listen to Sun (your individual expression) and Jupiter (expansion & luck).
JUN 21 – JUL 2
Cancer, your grounded and caring nature keeps you rooted in aspects of your home and those you call family. Because you resonate with nurturing aspects of the moon, connect with Sedna, the triple goddess of the outer world who selflessly finds her true voice which benefits all. Boost your naturally good memory and caring heart.
Want more alignment? Listen to Saturn (structure & wisdom), Jupiter (expansion & luck), and Mars (fiery passion).
JUL 23 – AUG 22
Leo, your strength of purpose, ambition, and inner radiance shifts the limelight to worship you. Connect with the center of the universe, the Sun, and shine even brighter. Magnify your magnetism – get aligned.
Want more alignment? Listen to Saturn (structure & wisdom) and Jupiter (expansion & luck).
AUG 23 – SEP 22
Virgo, you were born to serve with an industrious hand, methodical approach, and efficiently keen kind. Connect with Mercury, the planet of communication who brings efficiency and intelligence to life. Illuminate all the fine details when you’re aligned.
Want more alignment? Listen to Jupiter (expansion & luck) and Venus (artistic expression & affluence).
SEP 23 – OCT 22
Libra, you’re a diplomat with natural relations skills drawn to bringing meaningful connections for all. Connect to Venus, the planet of love and money, who offers a natural affinity for negotiations and expressing artistic flair. Find balance between your inner and outer world – get aligned.
Want more alignment? Listen to Saturn (structure & wisdom), Mars (fiery passion), and Sun (your individual expression).
OCT 23 – NOV 21
Scorpio, your keen intuition and immeasurable curiosity to illuminate the darkest of shadows drives your contemplation and desire for inner awareness. Connect with Pluto, god of the underworld and planet of power. Begin with an end in mind; alignment shifts the power.
Want more alignment? Listen to Mars (fiery passion) and Venus (artistic expression & affluence).
NOV 22 – DEC 21
Sagittarius, you’re a truth-seeking wanderer who values knowledge and new approaches to life. Connect with Sedna and the triple goddess to boldly journey to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Engage your highest integrity and truth. Be more OptiMystic – get aligned.
Want more alignment? Listen to Jupiter (expansion & luck), Sun (your individual expression), and Mercury (intelligent communication).
DEC 22 – JAN 19
Capricorn, you’re practical – the most realistic, steadfast, unwavering worker in the sky. You summit peaks with ease thanks to your focused self-mastery. Connect with taskmaster Saturn, ruler of structure, time, and deep wisdom. Restructure and reorder your world with ease when you’re fully aligned.
Want more alignment? Listen to Mars (fiery passion) and Jupiter (expansion & luck).
JAN 20 – FEB 18
Aquarius, you’re a visionary with a heart for progress and humanitarian progress who’s not afraid to back down from conflict should the cause be worthy. Intellect is your greatest weapon. Connect with innovative and adapting Uranus, the planet of rebellion. Make tomorrow brighter when you align today.
Want more alignment? Listen to Saturn (structure & wisdom) and Sun (your individual expression).
FEB 19 – MAR 20
Pisces, you swim in a sea of feelings, selfless and focused on your inner spiritual depths. Your fluidity helps you shape-shift through life, bringing soulful healing energy to your relationships and communities. Connect with Neptune, the lord of the oceans and planet of illusion, for clarity on charting your journey in deep waters, and with Deep Space for infinite expansion.
Want more alignment? Listen to Jupiter (expansion & luck), Mercury (intelligent communication), and Venus (artistic expression & affluence).