Sound Healing
is Frequency Medicine

Meditation music soothes the listener’s physical body, helping to move from frenetic beta brainwaves to more conscious and centered alpha and theta brainwaves.

“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.”

~Albert Einstein

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Insight Timer Meditation Music
Tibetan Bowl for Meditation Music

Make Meditation Music Your Medicine

Fusing her decades of classical Western music training with Eastern vibrational sciences, Charleene intuitively scores music tuned to specific hertz frequencies. Much of her music carries extremely low frequencies (ELFs) inaudible to the human ear but distinctly felt in listeners’ bodies. These frequencies (especially around 12 hertz) are scientifically shown to positively stimulate the body’s longest and most impacting cranial nerve – the “wandering” vagus nerve.

Charleene’s meditation music compositions often incorporate binaural beats. Binaural beats are two slightly differently-tuned frequencies played simultaneously, one in each ear, to create a third perceived by the brain as it’s own “beat” pattern. Binaural beats are known to reduce anxiety and nurture relaxation.

The thoughtfully-constructed repetition of rhythmic patterns and hypnotic melodies of meditation music can help create a tranquil environment and shift the brain towards slower alpha brainwaves, providing moments of insight and clarity. Alpha brainwaves link to physical relaxation, increased focus and concentration, enhanced learning and memory, heightened creativity, elevated moods, and are the precursors of deep, restorative sleep.

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Instrumental Meditation Music

Retune the body with specially crafted frequencies fused into relaxing chill vibes to promote cellular homeostasis.
Glimpse Meditation Music


Open Seas Meditation Music

Open Seas

Tibetan Peace Meditation Music

Tibetan Peace

Afternoon Alchemy Meditation Music

Afternoon Alchemy

Planetary Meditation Music

Sonic “gong showers” refresh the physiology with balanced broad spectrum white noise, gently stimulating white blood cells.

Planetary Alignment – Venus Gong Shower (442Hz)

Planetary Alignment – Mercury Gong Shower (448.5Hz)

Planetary Alignment – Neptune Gong Shower (448Hz)

Planetary Alignment – Sedna Gong Shower (431Hz)

calm + heal

Calm Your Mind, Heal Your Body

Stimulate your vagus nerve with this FREE alchemic meditation!

Scientifically proven to begin rebalancing your autonomic nervous system, stabilizing your physical body and improving mental health.